It's been a long day without you my
friend~~~ (just like the song from the radio..hehe)
It's been so so so so long since
I've post something or anything in this blog. But...jeng jeng
jeng....14/01/2018 is the first day I'll post about what's on my mind right now
in 2018...oh man... I'm getting old...but wait....age is just a number
right????? (I definitely know you will agree with me! :p )
So, the first thing I'm going to write is about the ultimate
list of year 2018 new years resolution. Many of us will list out the
resolutions with hope to have a better year and better life through out the
year.. It is just a paper when you don't have effort to achieve your dreams....
Thus, planning is very very very important to us. Try to plan daily, weekly or
monthly to achieve your target. Everyone has the power to earn successful life.
This is not only a sharing and reminder for all of you but it's also a BIG
reminder to myself. Sort of self reflection time in the middle of the night, in
south china sea area. Hahaha
It's either to get a book for you to refer or maybe you're
comfortable to stick it on the board at your bed room's wall.Up to you! Do
something that will motivate you the most to achieve the goals that you have
set. However, discipline and sacrifice might involve in the tho.. but it is
what it takes to get a fruitful results in the end of this year!
This is the part where most of the teens and young adults
are in dilemma and hanging. (Maybe for others as well.... this is unpredictable
okay?? ) I also having trouble to answer this question every time I ask this
question to myself. You will only knows it when the right time has come with a
clue/hint/idea. Just continue doing things that you like, things that will make
you happy until you found they "KEY OF LIFE" so you can pursue the
dreams that you really want in life. I hope I will discover this soon.. (Latest
in three years please~~~ hahaha) If, you're lucky enough, you'll found it early
because some people only found it after their middle age. But it's never too
late as long as you're still breathing in this world.
Well... im not a relationship expert but still, I want to
talk about this! I'm inspired by Sarah Snow with her perspectives about
relationship and time. Here's the point that she shares in facebook:
- Timing is something that none of us can seem to get quite right with relationships
- One relationship ends because partner isn't ready to get serious or they're getting serious too soon.
- The people that we meet at the wrong time are actually just the wrong people.
- You never meet the right people at the wrong time because the right people are timeless
- The right people makes you want to throw away the plans you originally had and follow them into the hazy, unknown future without a glance backwards because you know the original plan will not be as incredible as the adventures you could have by their side.
- With you with the right person, time falls away
- You don't worry to fitting them into your schedule because you're apart from their schedule
- With the right person, we have all the time in the world
- There will be no magical time when everything falls into places and fixes all our broken relationships
- But there may someday be a person who makes the issue of timing irrelevant. Because when someone is right for us, we make the time to let them into our lives. And that kind of timing is always right!